Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Lady B loves toys and she enjoys crushing them as often as she can. She likes to go and buy toys and keep them for when she feels like crushing them. Today she wore her sneakers and she used them to crush the toys. She was bored at home so she crushed them for fun. She did it slowly as she had nowhere to go and nothing to do in the house.

This mistress loves to buy lots of toys. She is one of the few mistresses who prefer to crush toys and destroy them as opposed to crushing people. She does not like to inflict pain on other people but she has no problem destroying toys and especially toy cars, which are her favorite. She did so today as she had missed it and she had a great time with her fetish.

Lady B does not like dolls. She never played with them growing up and she did not get why she had to have anything to do with them as an adult. She crushed them with her boots and she made sure that they were destroyed. She did not care whose they were. All that mattered to her was that she crushed them and she threw the pieces in the trash.

Goddess Nika was drunk. She got home and she destroyed things for fun. She did not care what happened to them. She did not even know what she was dong. She crushed toys in her house as well as other household items. She only realized the extent of damage she had caused when she woke up the following morning. There was a huge mess all over the house but she could not blame anyone but herself.

Madame Svea does not like toys just like she does not like kids. She found some toys in her house and she did not know how they got in there. She did not bother looking for the owner. All she did was to crush them and to destroy them. And that is what she did. With her crush fetish, it did not take her long before she destroyed the toys.

Lady B found this toy train in her garage. She had no use for it and she had to throw it away. But before she did, the thought of crushing it occurred to her and she went along with it. She stomped on it and destroyed it. She made sure none of it was left by the time she was done. She took the pieces and she threw them in the trash.

Lady Shay enjoys crushing things all the time. But she had never tried crushing things using her bare feet. So she bought a few toy cars and she had fun crushing them. But she did it slowly than she is used to because she did not want the destroyed pieces to cut her and injure her. So she did it slowly. It was however fun for her and she enjoyed it a lot.

This mistress loves to crush but she does not like crushing the same thing over and over again. Today was the turn of toy cars to be crushed. So she went and bought some and she went home and had fun crushing them. She made sure they were destroyed and that nothing remained of them. She used her high heels to crush them and she created a huge mess when she was done.

When madame Marissa is bored, she likes to do crazy things. Today she imagined how she could crush a small car with her real car. So she took the toy cars and she placed them on the road. She then used her car to run them over just for fun. She tormented them and told them to hit her car as well so that it could be an accident.

Lady B threw a party for her nephew and after everyone had gone, she found out that some toys had been left behind. She did not want to start shipping toys or keeping them in her house. So she just crushed them and destroyed them. She did not want to have anything to do with them. If it belonged to her nephew, she would buy another one when he came visiting. But if they belonged to someone else, too bad.

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