Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Mistress Lea wanted to crush the shit out of this toy and she did not hesitate to do so. The mistress knew that she had the time so she was not in any hurry to do so. She wanted to enjoy it and that is why she used her sandals to do so. She did not want to use high heels as she could crush them quicker than she wanted to.

These mistresses wanted to try crush fetish and before they did it on people, they felt that the best way to do it was to try it out on toys so that they perfected their craft first. They bought toys and had fun using them to crush and learn. They had a great time and they developed their skills to the extent that they now wanted to try it on real losers.

Mistress CatDeluxe used toys to teach her friend how to crush. Her friend needed to crush a loser but she did not know how to do it. So the mistress taught him and she did it by crushing a toy. Her friend and the loser watched as mistress CatDeluxe taught her friend how to do it then asked her to try it. When she had learned it, she did the same things to the loser.

Madame Marissa wanted to let this guy know that she was not going to tolerate any nonsense from him. She had to punish him and she did so using her ass and her high heels. She used her ass and her high heels to trample and crush his expensive model houses to make sure he suffered some loss and learned that she meant what she was saying. He took her seriously after that.

Mistress Rina wanted to send a message to this guy and she did it in a way he never expected. The mistress felt that the best thing she could do was to do something crazy while he watched. So she took some toys and she crushed them as he watched and she told him that he would suffer the same fate if he continued to piss her off. He got scared and styled up.

Mistress Tamara felt that her son had outgrown his toys and since she was not having any more children, she felt that she had to use them for some fun which she did by crushing them. The mistress did this with her high heels and it was a lot of fun. She created a mess but she had to make sure she cleaned it all up before he came back home from school.

Goddess Nika always crushes with her high heels or with her boots. But today she wanted to do it with her bare feet as she had never done it barefoot. The mistress lined the toy trains up and she used her bare feet to crush them and to destroy them. She was only afraid of hurting herself with the broken pieces from the toys but she managed to avoid hurting herself.

This mistress loves to crush all manner of toys and today she bought some new ones to crush. She did not hesitate to crush them with her boots as she had not done it in a few weeks and she was dying to do it. The mistress enjoyed herself as she did it despite the huge mess she left on the floor after she was done crushing all the toys.

This kid had gotten to mistress Maddy's nerves and she wanted to scare the shit out of her. She did not touch him and she did not beat him up, but she used her car to crush toys in front of him. She also crushed some of his toys in the process and the kid was scared to see her do what she had done to his toys. He cried and she knew he had learned his lesson.

This mistress loves toys but not the kind that breaks easily. She loves those with gel inside so that she can crush them, hold them and do just about anything with them without the worry that they would break. And that is what she did today to this toy shark. She used her bare feet to trample and stomp it but it did not break and that is how she liked it.

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