When this mistress got angry, she took out her anger on a teddy bear. That was the closest item to her and she did not waste any time crushing it. She did not care what happened to it as it was an inanimate object. When she was done, the mistress left it there and did not bother to collect it. She instructed her slave in the house to go and collect it and dispose of it.
This smoking hot fetish babe has some super short shorts on with amazing legs and high heels. She has a toy crush fetish so she brought a teddy bear and puts it on the seat of her chair. She lowers her amazing ass down on the toy and pushes down with her full weight until it is flat. The toy bear completely disappears under her big and luscious ass.
Gina decided to crush a toy bear today. She loves to trample things that are squishy. She starts by walking over the bear's legs with her high heels. She takes it and lies it down so she can trample its body. She starts to crush it so hard that the stuffing starts to come out. She gets turned on a tramples it harder until it is just a pile of stuffing.
When Christin buys a new teddy bear, she calls her best friend Lady B over. She enjoys putting on her purple boots and walking all over the bear. It turns her on to watch Lady B dance all over the bear and rip the stuffing out. They take turns jumping and giggling, knowing they will be able to spend time spanking a slave together later. Christin loves spending time with her best friend.